Questo corso intensivo è articolato su due Moduli di 2 giorni, allo scopo di fornire ai corsisti il “know-how” utile per poter fruire dei numerosi vantaggi relativi all’utilizzo del Microscopio Operatorio in Odontoiatria (MO).
Direttamente al MO, i corsisti apprenderanno come raggiungere precisione, mini-invasività e approccio ultra-conservativo dei trattamenti clinici quotidiani, assumendo confidenza nell’impiego routinario ed oggettivando il ruolo chiave assunto dal MO nel raggiungimento del risultato.
Teoria e pratica permetteranno di ottimizzare l’apprendimento di concetti basilari tali da potere essere messi in pratica già dal lunedì successivo di lavoro.
Imparare come è strutturato è perchè un MO
Capire come ingrandimento e luce coassiale aiutino a vedere “grande” e lavorare “meglio”
Apprendere come eseguire le regolazioni base del MO, in particolare il significato di: regolazione/aggiustamento diottrico, parafocalità e settaggi individuali
Apprendere mediante esercitazione pratiche la gestualità legata ai trattamenti multi-disciplinari eseguibili al MO
Tecniche chirurgiche
Imparare tecniche di base ed avanzate di chirurgia convenzionale e laser
Sinergie tecnologiche
Capire la sinergia operatoria tra microscopia operatoria e altre tecnologie innovative
Tips & Tricks
Migliorare la self-confidence dell’operatore ed ottimizzare i risultati clinici
info Corso
Dental Trey
Via B. Partisani, 3
47016 di Fiumana di Predappio (FC)
Modulo 1
8-9 aprile 2022
Modulo 2
13-14 maggio 2022
PROGRAMMA DEL CORSO : Si prega scaricare il PDF e contattare la nostra Segreteria
Dr. Adj Prof.
Cristian CORAINI
Curriculum Vitae
Dr.Adj.Prof. Cristian Coraini, qualified as Dental technician (Diploma in 1990-1991), graduated “cum Laude” in Dentistry at Milan-University (1996). He achieved the International Post-Graduate Certificate in Implantology and Esthetic Dentistry (New York University, College of Dentistry, 2003-2005). Visiting doctor from 1998 at Istituto Stomatologico Italiano of Milan in all departments, and from 2012 he is the Head of the Perio-Implants and CAD-CAM Department in the same Institut. In 1998 he won the italian national price “The clinical case I’ll never forget” (UTET editions, Rimini, Amici di Brugg), and in 2013, with his technician Mr. Luca Vailati and his office-partner Prof. A. Nanussi, he won the international price on the occlusion at the ICP (International College of Prosthodontists) World Congress (Turin). Active member of SIE (Italian Society of Endodontics), AIOM until 2018 (Italian Academy of Microscope Dentistry), AIGeDo (Italian Academy of Gnathology and oro-facial-pain), member of the Editorial Committee of “Italian Journal of Endodontics”. SIE Directive Council member’s from 2019, previously as Treasurer and National Secretary, currently as Vice President; he has been Adjunct Professor in Prosthodontics at the University of Milan (2017-2021). Co-founder of IAID. He has been Member of the Scientific Committee of Italian Association of National Dentists (ANDI – Milan/Lodi/Monza/Brianza).
Author of 60 scientific published articles, including on peer-reviewed international journals, national and international lecturer, co-author of several chapter in many text books about perio, implants, endo and prosthodontic topics. From 20 years he mantains his private practice in Milan, focusing on the multi-disciplinary and micro-dentistry approach of clinical cases, including endodontics, perio-implants, prosthodontics, esthetics.
Dr. Adj Prof.
Giovanni OLIVI
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Adj. Prof. Giovanni Olivi will be traveling in from Rome and is an internationally recognized leader in laser dentistry.
Dr. Olivi graduated cum laude in Medicine and Surgery (MD) at University of Rome “La Sapienza” and specialized cum laude in Dentistry at University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.
In 2002 He completed the postgraduate laser course at the University of Florence, in 2004 He achieved the laser certification from ISLD, in 2006 the Advanced Proficiency
from the Academy of Laser Dentistry and in 2009 the Master status also from the ALD.
Giovanni.Olivi is the 2007 recipient of the “Leon Goldman Award” for clinical excellence from ALD. Active member of the ALD (Academy of Laser Dentistry) as well as of SIE (Italian Society of Endodontics), of SILO (Italian Society Laser in Dentistry) and SIOI (Italian Society of Pediatric Dentistry).
He lectured worldwide in the field of Laser application in Dentistry. Dr Olivi is Author of over 70 articles on pediatric and laser dentistry topics and Author of the books “Laser in Dental Traumatatology” (in Italian, 2010 – Ed.Martina, Bologna-Italy); of “Pediatric Laser Dentistry: a user’s guide” (in English, 2011 – Quintessence Publ.,Chicago-USA); of “Laser in Restorative Dentistry”: a practical guide and “Laser Application in Endodontics: scientific background and clinical applications” published by Springer-Verlag GmbH, Berlin, Germany in 2015, also published in italian by TUEOR, Torino. Giovanni Olivi practices Endodontics, Esthetic and Pediatric Dentistry in Rome, Italy.