Teachers among the most expert at an international level will present different protocols in Periodontology, Oral Surgery, Implantology, Restorative Dentistry, Endodontics, Photobiomodulation, Soft Tissue surgery where laser technology gives a great help to dentists because its high decontamination, hemosthatic and biostimulating ability.
“Live” clinical cases and practical training sessions will be performed, also combining the use of many other innovative technologies.
Completion of this course and passing of the final tests is recognized by the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Rome, as preparatory for access to the Master course in Laser Dentistry, which will be held at the Policlinico Agostino Gemelli in Rome.

Laser Physics
Learn the basics and their application in the daily clinic
Oral Surgery and Implantology
Learn laser techniques in oral and implant surgery
Understand how to integrate the different wavelengths into the modern treatment plan for periodontal disease and mucogingival problems, learn the simplified procedures for lingual and labial frenulum surgery
Learn how low level laser therapy can help everyday surgical procedure and clinical issues by reducing post-op inflamation and pain
Learn the techniques for the removal of caries with laser without anesthesia and for pulp capping
Learn the use of the various laser techniques for endodontic decontamination and the use of lasers in endodontic surgery
Denmark IAID Partners
Course info
DATE : Start November 2023 end May 2024
Module 1 Copenhagen November 6-7, 2023
Module 2 Copenhagen January 12-13, 2024
Module 3 Copenhagen March 22-23, 2024
Module 4 Copenhagen May 9-11, 2024
Copenhagen: to be announced
COURSE AGENDA : Please get in touch with our Secretariat
Manaf Taher AGHA
Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Dr Maden is a lecturer for Catholic University of Sacro Cuore, Rome, an
adjunct faculty member of the Aachen Dental Laser Centre, Aachen University, Germany, a faculty expert at Laser and Health Academy. He is the country ambassador of International Society of Laser Dentistry for the UK. He has held dozens of theoretical and hands-on courses and lectures on lasers worldwide and has been a speaker in several international congresses in the last decade.
He is also a member of the editorial board for Lasers in Medical Science, the Laser magazine and Journal of Laser and Health Academy.
His work has been published internationally in SCI and non-SCI journals and magazines. Dr. Ilay Maden is a member of International Society of Laser Dentistry, British Medical Laser Association, European Federation of Periodontology, European Academy of Osseointegration, Turkish Dental Association, European Federation of Periodontology, Turkish Periodontology Association and more.
His practice is limited to laser supported periodontology and implantology.
Dr. Adj Prof.
Giovanni OLIVI
Curriculum Vitae
He graduated cum laude in Medicine and Surgery (MD) at ”La Sapienza” University of Rome, and in Dentistry (DDS) at ”Tor Vergata” University of Rome. In 2002 Giovanni achieved the postgraduated diploma in ”Laser Dentistry” from the University of Florence. In 2004, He achieved the laser certification from ISLD; in 2006 the Advanced Proficiency from the Academy of Laser Dentistry and in 2009, the Master status always from ALD. Giovanni in 2007 has been awarded from Academy of Laser Dentistry with the “Leon Goldman Award” for clinical excellence. Active member of Italian Society of Endodontics (SIE), Active Member of Italian Society of Laser Dentistry (SILO), member of Italian Society of Paediatric Dentistry (SIOI), member and Chair of ALD Italy Study Club, Giovanni Olivi is currently the scientific coordinator of the ”Laser Dentistry” Master courses at Catholic University of Sacred Hearth of Rome. Giovanni Olivi authored over 70 peer-reviewed papers, 4 chapters in different books and 4 books specifically focused on Laser Dentistry.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Arun Darbar is a multi-award-winning Laser and Aesthetic Dentist.
At the forefront of Laser Dentistry, he is dedicated to providing cutting edge dentistry to his patients for over 35 years. He is an Accredited Member of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (BACD).
He is a pioneer in the use of Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), more recently termed Photobiomodulation therapy (PBM and PBMT). He continues to be involved in research & development, designs and beta testing of numerous laser units.
As a leading member of the ALD (Academy of Laser Dentistry), he holds a ‘Masters’ and ‘Certified Educator’, and ‘Certification Course Trainer’ status. He serves on the ALD Board of Directors, currently president elect of ALD, previously served as the International Relations Committee Chair, and co-chairs the Education and Certification committees and invited member of the Science and Research committee and is also an examiner. Served as Chair of ALD 2018 General and Scientific sessions and Co-Chairs the same for iLED 2018,2019 Dubai conference and at present the conference chair for ALD 2021 conference. Dr. Darbar is the 2017 Recipient of the prestigious “The John G. Sulewski Distinguished Service Award”. Dr. Darbar is also a Fellow and Diplomate of World Congress of Minimally Invasive Dentistry (WCMID), and a Master, Educator and founder member of the World Clinical Laser Institute (WCLI).
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Mihael Vrckovnik completed his Dental Medicine study at the University of Ljubljana, Medical University in Slovenia in 2009.
He completed the Laser and Health Academy Master’s Program in Laser Dentistry in 2018.
He completed his Master of Science curriculum in Laser Dentistry at the Catholic University of Rome later in 2020.
He mantains his private practice in Ljubljana, with special interests in TMJ Disorder, Pain and Lasers in Dentistry.
Course fees
IAID Affiliate Member € 6,502
Non IAID Member € 6,702
Non IAID Member, please complete your Affiliate membership form and payment of € 102 to complete your Affiliate membership.
This will allow your participation in the course
for the total fee of € 6,604
and the special rate partecipation to the
IAID Congress Rome 2023 at € 295
Payment modality
Affiliate Member
Cancellation Policy
Requests to withdraw from the course made in writing no less than 14 days before the start of the course, will have 70% of the course fee refunded.
30% of the course fee will be withheld but can be used in the following 12 month period for the same IAID course. After this time the 30% fee will be forfeited.
Requests received less than 14 days before the start of the course will have 70% of the course fee refunded.
There will be a non refundable 30% fee for this cancellation.