Dr. Roberto FORNARA

CBCT in Endodontics: Where We Are Now
October 20    09:30 – 10:30

CBCT has unquestionably represented an important gateway to the digital world of dentistry.

The undoubted advantages of three-dimensional visualization of the entire anatomical system with low doses of radiation, have led to improved diagnostic potential in all those cases where two-dimensional radiology could not provide reliable information.

In recent years we have also understood how CBCT can provide us with useful information on the treatment plan and eventual prognosis of very complex cases.

This is testified by the great advantages that some disciplines (surgery, endodontics) are having also in the planning and execution of guided practices, whether they are static or dynamic.

The purpose of the lecture is to evaluate the advantages of a rational use of CBCT in dentistry.

Dr. Adj Prof. Alessandro NANUSSI
Curriculum Vitae

Graduated with Honor in Dentistry and Dental Prostheses at the University of Pavia in 1995.
Currently President of SIE Italian Endodontics Society
Co-author of several endodontic textbooks.
Coordinator of “Testo atlante di anatomia endodontica” published by Tecniche Nuove in 2011.
Active member since 2003 of SIE – Italian Endodontics Society.
Member since 2007 to date of the Editorial Committee of GIE (Giornale Italiano di Endodonzia journal).
Certified Member since 2011 of ESE – European Society of Endodontics.
Certified Speaker of DDS (Digital Dental Society).
From 2003 to 2019 he gives his contribution as an expert in this specific subject to II Rehabilitative Dentistry (coordinator, Prof. Massimo Gagliani), in the specialized degree course of Dentistry and Dental Prostheses at the odontostomatological clinic of the Department of Surgery and Dental Medicine San Paolo, Milan.
Lecturer in several Italian University in post graduate Course and Master: Bologna, Brescia, Napoli, Varese the mains ones.
Reviewer for MDPI Journals since 2020 to date.
Lecturer in several Italian University in post graduate Course and Master: Bologna, Brescia, Napoli, Varese the mains ones.
Lecturer at national and international congresses focusing on endodontic and restorative themes, and teacher of endodontics and imaging & radiology hands-on courses.
Freelancer since 1996. Owner, since 2005, of a dental clinic in Marcallo con Casone, Milan.