Dr. Alessandro NANUSSI

Orthodontic Classes and Postural Evaluation. Functional Approach Improvement After Thethered Oral Tissues Release and Myofunctional Therapy
October 19    14:30 – 15:15

Between neighboring districts, such as the stomatognathic apparatus and the vertebral column, there are functional correlations which are documented by international literature, including some of our publications.

However, this does not automatically determine the existence of a causal relationship of a pathogenic nature.

It’s useful to know the correlation modalities to manage situations in which the patient’s ability to adapt is exhausted, and the compensation strategies determine a cost in terms of susceptibility in developing a dysfunctional craniocervical-mandibular syndrome.

The causal context is multifactorial and the therapy must therefore be multidisciplinary, including general rehabilitation aspects and diagnosis of the emotional component.

Dr. Adj Prof. Alessandro NANUSSI
Alessandro NANUSSI
Curriculum Vitae

Dr.Adj.Prof. Alessandro Nanussi, graduated in Dentistry, and specialized in Sports Dentistry.
Past-president SIOS, He is President Elect of the incoming 2022 Italian Association of Gnatology (AIG).
Board of directors IAID.
Associated with prof. Cristian Coraini at Skysmile Clinic in Milan. Referent of the Service of Sport’s dentistry and Cranio-mandibular Biomechanics at the Italian Stomatological Institute of Milan.
Adjunct professor of “Statistical analysis of epidemiological data” and “Analog and virtual articulators”, University of Milan-Bicocca.
Professor of Clinical Dentistry and Gnathology at the SOMA Osteopathic Institute of Milan. Co-author of the text “Dentistry and Sport” (Edi-Ermes), winner with Cristian Coraini and Luca Vailati of the International Occlusion Award, at the15th ICP World-Congress.